Sunday, August 25, 2013

Author Interview

Interview with Raine Watling Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing? I grew up in the Southern US, in the heart of the Bible Belt, but I grew up with two wonderful parents, who after much adversity, had a real love story. Their story has always inspired me to write about strong women and true alpha males and the real love that can be shared between them. When did you first start writing? I don't remember not writing. I remember writing stories in school when I was in the first grade, but I was in my thirties before I decided to go after my dream. What motivated you to become an indie author? I have found that what I write doesn't always fit into the neat categories of traditional romance and traditional publishing parameters. I pour every ounce of myself into my stories and the idea of shoving them under the bed is like taking my character's lives away. Yeah, some of my earlier stories weren't great, but now, after years of honing my craft, I have decided to quit letting publishers direct my fate, I'm going after it myself in the indie world. How has Smashwords contributed to your success? Smashwords has given me the opportunity to see my work, promote my work, and target more retailers than I ever could on my own. They have offered remarkable tools and valuable information to point my career path in the correct direction. What is the greatest joy of writing for you? I love the way that my fingers glide over the keyboard when my characters finally come to life on the screen. It never ceases to amaze me how they take steps and say things that I never would have predicted. I fall in love with every character and get my HEA when I reach the end. What do your fans mean to you? I love fans. They are wonderful. Most books will sell by word of mouth, not by social media, or other types of publicity. Fans do that. When they find a story they like, or hopefully an author, they will tell their friends and so on. I am the biggest fan of my fans. They validate my need to write and publish. Knowing that they will look forward to my next work is the most amazing thing. What are you working on next? I am currently working on a cowboy western contemporary romance. It isn't erotic, but it is steamy and takes place in the Outback. I hope to have this one up in the next couple of months. Who are your favorite authors? I love Lori Foster, Emily Snow, Sandra Brown, Elizabeth Lowell, Janet Daily, Christina Dodd, and of course E.L. James for taking the whole 50 Shades thing mainstream. What inspires you to get out of bed each day? Everyday I get to add a few more words to a page and create a story or a scene. Also, the need to work and pay my bills makes my feet move forward. When my co-workers see me staring out into space, they know that I am plotting or working out a scene. When you're not writing, how do you spend your time? I read, a lot. I read way more than I should, but there are so many wonderful books out there that I haven't discovered that I can't help looking for more. I also watch a lot of television. Unfortunately, this also creates procrastination. It's easy to put off what I'm writing to get caught up in someone else's story. That's way digital media is the greatest. I can pull up a story on my phone and read at the Dr.'s office, or the DMV. How do you discover the ebooks you read? I subscribe to a lot of blogs to see what's new and upcoming. Also, word of mouth and I do category searches at ebook stores. What is your writing process? I am what they call a pantser. I have a general idea of where I want the story to go, but I don't outline, I let my characters lead the story. How do you approach cover design? I have the best cover designer in the world. I describe a basic idea and he takes it and runs with it. It's very convenient to have a close friend who is into graphic design. Anyone who would like to see what he can do for you, just email me and I will give him your contact information. What do you read for pleasure? I read a lot of erotic and contemporary romance, but I do try to read at least one piece of literature a year, such as the Handmaid's Tale, Love in the Time of Cholera, ect. What is your e-reading device of choice? I have a Kindle, but I put iBooks and the Kindle app on my phone. So it really depends on what I'm reading. BTW, e-readers are the greatest invention ever. What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you? Goodreads for sure. I think that the response and support offered there for indie authors compares to none. I uploaded my book, asked if anyone was interested and BOOM. I also, of course, use Facebook, Twitter, I blog, and I have a small website. Another thing that I am doing is posters to place in certain stores with coupon offerings. Published 2013-08-24.

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